Question 2: Medicaid Expansion
This approved measure expands Medicaid coverage in accordance with the Affordable Care Act.
2 minute read
This measure passed.
The gist
This referendum would expand Medicaid coverage in accordance with the Affordable Care Act.
Ballot question
“Do you want Maine to expand Medicaid to provide healthcare coverage for qualified adults under age 65 with incomes at or below 138% of the federal poverty level, which in 2017 means $16,643 for a single person and $22,412 for a family of two?”1
Yes means
I am in favor of expanding Medicaid coverage.
No means
I don't want to expand Medicaid coverage.
Tell me more
For families with children or a disability this referendum would increase the threshold from 100% ($33,948 for a family of 4) of the federal poverty level to 138% ($46,848 for a family of 4) of the federal poverty level. A second part to this would be that adults with family incomes at or below 138% of the federal poverty level who do not have dependent children and are not “disabled” would now also qualify.
Follow the money
The money will be used to
- Pay for health insurance1
The money will be coming from
The primary arguments for this referendum are:
- More people (estimated at 70,000) will have health insurance1
- Estimated $27 million annual cost savings1
- Estimated 3,000 new jobs1
- It makes the state eligible for federal Affordable Care Act funds that would cover 94% of the cost in 2018 and 2019 and 90% of the cost in 2020 and later years2
The primary arguments against this referendum are:
- It’s unclear where the additional $54.5 million in state funds will comes from1
Further reading
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